Eee pc 701 sdx
Eee pc 701 sdx

eee pc 701 sdx
  1. Eee pc 701 sdx download#
  2. Eee pc 701 sdx windows#

The screen and the keyboard are too small to use as a writing machine, and any visual purpose (media viewer, image/video frame) is out because of the bad pixels. Stuff like bitcoins is right out of the question (its paltry hardware might make me, I dunno, 0.05$ per day while consuming many times as much for energy) and I don't need a webserver.

Eee pc 701 sdx download#

I also occasionally used it with an old external HD as a torrent downloader, but as I switched to a much faster provider I can now download anything short of super-huge video collections in a matter of hours in the background on my main box, and the need for an overnight downloader has vanished.

Eee pc 701 sdx windows#

I used to turn it on when I needed a Linux machine for something (say, running gparted on an external drive) but couldn't be arsed to reboot my main box from Windows into Mint however, nowadays it doesn't even see that use because I got an ultrabook, and my slightly less old EeePC 1005HA was demoted to the 701's old job. It works (save for a bunch of dead pixels on the display, a result of me stupidly shutting the lid with a thumbdrive on the keyboard), but hasn't seen any serious use for years. I have a first-generation netbook, a 701 4G with the Celeron processor. The 10% rule is enforced on /r/hardware repeat offenders and/or your website or channel may be banned. Users who want to post links to their website should be aware of the reddit definition of spam and read this article concerning self promotion on reddit. No self-edtiorialized titles, just copy the title of the site, with the exception of clickbait titles. No submissions to crowdfunding sites or ongoing campaigns. No submissions to streaming sites outside of event megathreads. Any rumor or claim that is just a statement from an unknown source containing no supporting evidence will be removed. No unsubstantiated rumors - Rumors or other claims/information not directly from official sources must have evidence to support them. This includes 'What should I buy?', 'Does a _ do what I need?', 'How much is _ worth?' and 'How long until (something obvious) happens?' type questions.

eee pc 701 sdx

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eee pc 701 sdx

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Eee pc 701 sdx